The boards of the Tabernacle where God dwelt were all overlaid with gold. For each board of the Tabernacle to stand upright, God told Moses to make two silver sockets. The spiritual meaning of placing two silver sockets under each board is as follows. In the Bible, gold refers to faith that does not change in time. That these sockets of silver were placed under the boards overlaid with this gold means that God has given us two gifts that guarantee our salvation. In other words, it means that Jesus completed our salvation from sin by being baptized and shedding His blood.
The inside of the Tabernacle was divided into two main parts: The Holy Place and the Most Holy. A veil was hung between them...
Let us now turn our attention to the materials used for the garments of the High Priest. Ephod was a unique item among the...
This passage describes the lampstand of the Tabernacle. Today, I would like to explain the spiritual meaning of its ornamental knobs, flowers and lamps....